The Breakfast Club

The Breakfast Club

DJ Envy, Charlamagne Tha God And Jess Hilarious - The World's Most Dangerous Morning Show!Full Bio


Will Packer & Idris Elba Hit The Breakfast Club & Spoke On New Film & More!

Idris Alba and Will Packer joined The Breakfast Club to discuss their new movie “Beast”!  This film began with just one idea...“Jaws with a lion”. As hilarious as that is, the film is about a father, played by Idris Alba, and his two daughters that have an estranged relationship in Africa. In the mist of their family issues, the film brooches the topic of lion poaching and its relentless nature. This led Packer to ask, “what if those same lions learned that humans are their true enemy? Dope concept, right?! In true Breakfast Club fashion, you know we had to ask Packer of the behind the scenes at the Oscar’s!

According to Packer, he shared his initial frustration of the “Slap heard around the world”. When Chris rock went off script , which is normal,  behind the scenes everyone believed it was a skit. It was only when Will Smith began to yell from his seat, he knew Will wasn’t joking.- Will Packer. Overall, he’s happy Will Smith is going through his healing journey. He did leave us with a valid question: “Will we allow him to be the person we know him to be or will we judge him forever by that one moment? Check out the full interview above!

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