Angie Martinez

Angie Martinez

Angie Martinez is recognized as one of the most influential personalities in popular culture and multi-media. Originally known as "The Voice of New...Full Bio


Erica Ford Talks Getting Guns Off The Street w/ Life Camp!

Erica Ford stopped by The Angie Martinez to talk about the work she has been doing with Life Camp, helping improve out city as well as get guns off of street.

Speaking about the work she has done, Ford said that she was say "Black Lives Matter" before it was a cool thing to say. Before she got to the station she was mediation a situation between kids who were literally trying to kill each other.

Ford has also been working hard to help get guns off of the streets speaking on how we have come a long way but still have much work to do. Just this year NYC had its first weekend in years with no gun violence

Check out her Erica Ford's full conversation below....

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