Manny Montana who plays Rio on the hit show "Good Girls" stopped by The Angie Martinez show to talk about the show and how he actually got his start in the industry by doing radio. The show has become a massive hit after premiering this year and was renewed for a second season which is set to premiere in March of 2019.
The show follows three suburban mothers who decide to become robbers. Manny's roll on the show is Rio who is a crime boss in his own respect, speaking on how hard it is to play the character Manny said: "it is the hardest audition I ever had and the artists part I've ever done, to do anything tough its so the opposite is me and anything seeming tough is the opposite of me".
The actor also revealed that he had interned at a radio station in LA working on the street team and was the call in guy on the morning show. Eventually, the new programming director gave him and his friend a chance to do overnights but unfortunately the station was sold and he went right into acting.
Check out Angie Martinez full Interview with Manny Montana above..