Angie Martinez

Angie Martinez

Angie Martinez is recognized as one of the most influential personalities in popular culture and multi-media. Originally known as "The Voice of New...Full Bio


Aoki Lee Simmons Opens Up About Her Insecurities!

Look it's 2018 and appearances do matter! The pressures to constantly post beautifully crafted photos with seemingly impromptu captions are at an all-time high, especially for fifteen-year-old girls like Aoki Lee Simmons. 

Aoki, daughter of Kimora Lee and Russell Simmons, took to Instagram to address some comments that claimed she is not as "pretty" as her older sister Ming Lee Simmons

Aoki went on to say that in the past she has chosen not to post pictures of her face or her smile because she was very insecure posing next to her "model" mother and sister. However, Aoki has come to a revelation and she says: 

"We all want to look nice in our photos but I've let all of that go and just post pictures where I look happy or was actually having a good time."

Aoki's message is a perfect one for young girls growing up in this digital age; where the stigmas of society are what we use to measure human importance. 

It is up to us and girls like Aoki to be the voice for many who may live in the shadows of relatives or who aren't considered the "pretty" one in their group of peers.

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