Angie Martinez

Angie Martinez

Angie Martinez is recognized as one of the most influential personalities in popular culture and multi-media. Originally known as "The Voice of New...Full Bio


WATCH: A Sacramento Police Officer Beats Up Black man For Jay Walking

On Tuesday (APR.11) according to KCRA news,  a viral video was released and a Sacramento, California Police officer is under investigation after becoming violent with an African American man for allegedly jay walking across the street. 

In the video, the two men exchange words before the uniformed officer forcefully takes him down. A bystander by the name of Naomi Montaie caught the footage and released it after the altercation took place. According to Montaie, the man identified as Nandi Cain Jr. was walking across the street when the officer approached him and began interrogating him. In return, Cain questioned the officer about his actions and this is where things escalated pretty quickly and violently. 

Check out the full video below: 

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