Angie Martinez

Angie Martinez

Angie Martinez is recognized as one of the most influential personalities in popular culture and multi-media. Originally known as "The Voice of New...Full Bio


The Golden Reaper? Twitter Head Edits CeeLo In Trump Pics

What would an award show be without a little bit of trolling? 

 Besides the performances and awards, the Grammy's is known for it's extravagant....or tragic red carpet appearances and last nights ceremony did not disappoint us. 

I don't know if shocked is the right word to describe CeeLo Green's impersonation of what looks like a golden version of Tin Man from The Wizard of Oz, but fashionable was not a word used.

To make matters worse, the internet trolls had a field show with him. One clever Twitter user Jesse McLaren, photoshopped and edited CeeLo's image and placed him in Donald Trump's  personal photographs he recently took alongside his family...and the results are HILARIOUS!

Oh well! All's fair in the world of trolling....and our President is in fact a TROLL! 

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