Jess Hilarious Returns To 'The Breakfast Club' & Reveals New Child's Name

The Breakfast Club

Jess Hilarious is back, and she's sharing some intimate details about her newborn baby.

On Friday, November 8, the popular comedian and co-host of The Breakfast Club made her triumphant return after spending the past few months on maternity leave. During her first moments back on air, Jess shared that her new baby girl is nearly three months old and confirmed she was born naturally on August 20. She also announced her daughter's name is Marley Sky Moore Tolliver.

"I feel good," she said. "I'm happy that my baby boy is happy. He is so happy to have his little sister that he can live in the house with and grow up with."

Jess Hilarious announced her pregnancy back in February, shortly after she named as the third co-host of the syndicated morning show. She remained an open book throughout her pregnancy and even had her new baby daddy, Chris, and her first child's father, Gerome, on-air with her on different occasions throughout her pregnancy. After she went on maternity leave over the summer, guest host Loren LaRosa filled in for her and kept "Jess With The Mess" going.

Although LaRosa did an incredible job over the past few months, fans and artists alike began to miss Jess. During a recent interview with 50 Cent, Jess told the crew that she wanted Fif to sign a bottle of champange. Not only did he agree, but he also told the story of how Jess could've been a part of the "Power" universe. Revisit that interview below. Welcome back Jess!

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