Queens, New York Couple Discovers Safe with $100k While Magnet Fishing

Elderly Man Fishing

Photo: E+

A Queens couple, James Kane and Barbie Agostini, made an astonishing find while magnet fishing in Flushing Meadows Corona Park on Friday. The pair, who enjoy the hobby of using high-powered magnets to retrieve metal objects from bodies of water, pulled up an old safe containing an estimated $100,000 in cash.

The discovery came when they felt a heavy object on their magnet and pulled it up to reveal the safe. Inside, they found bundles of cash wrapped in plastic, although the money was water-damaged. "It was two stacks of hundreds. Big stacks," Kane told NY1, expressing his shock.

The couple contacted the NYPD to report the find. Officers arrived, curious about the unusual call. After determining there was no way to identify the owner of the likely stolen safe, they allowed Kane and Agostini to keep the money.

Kane and Agostini began magnet fishing during the COVID-19 lockdown and describe it as "the poor man’s treasure hunting." Their other notable finds include a WWII-era grenade and several old guns.

This unexpected discovery adds a thrilling chapter to their magnet fishing adventures.

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