On January 9, 2022, an apartment building fire in the Bronx took the lives of more than a dozen New Yorkers, including many children, and injured more than 60 others.
This weekend, we're making it our business to raise awareness and help get donations rolling in for those affected by this tragic event via radio, social media and our website. Offering our support will continue to be a priority for Power 105.1 as the families and our community continue to recover from this loss.
Power 105.1, The Mayor’s Fund to Advance New York City, in partnership with Mayor Eric Adams and The City of New York, are raising money to support victims of this tragic event.
Your donation will enable the distribution of emergency relief supplies and provide support for the victims and their families. Your entire donation will go towards helping those impacted by the fire.
To make a credit card donation please go to the Mayor’s Fund website www.nyc.gov/fund.