Viral Grandma Gets Her Wish Of More Beer Granted By Coors

A 93 year old grandma who is social distancing made a public plea that she needed more beer 🍺❤️👵🏽 and the good folks at Molson Coors sent her 150 beers.

Reps from the beverage giant delivered 10 15-packs of Coors Light to Olive Veronesi’s Seminole home, news station KDKA reports. Olive went viral after she seen in a photo holding a Coors Light in one hand with a sign that reads: "I need more beer" while social distancing in her Seminole, PA home.

“I have a beer every night, you know what, beer has vitamins in it, it’s good for you, as long as you don’t overdo it,” she told KDKA on Monday.

Some parts of the country have closed down liquor stores saying they're not "essential" for folks at the moment. Do you think liquor stores should be considered "essential?"

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