NYC Removes Hoops From Parks Since People Won't Stop Playing Basketball

The NYPD found over 80 basketball courts where people are still playing LARGE games.

In order to deter people from gathering in groups to play full blown basketball games instead of staying at home quarantined as instructed, the city will begin removing the hoops from those parks. Parks and playgrounds remain open but the city has installed signs at parks warning that playground equipment is “not sterilized” and to “play at your own risk” during the coronavirus crisis.

“You are going to notice these signs appearing at all NYC parks. Please be aware and remember social distancing helps us all. #Covid19,” the 25th Precinct announced on Twitter Wednesday. “Social distancing required. 6 feet between each child not in immediate family… Limit the number of people playing at one time,” the signs read. “Playgrounds are not sterilized; play at your own risk.”

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Photo: Getty

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