Fetty Wap just took a major loss in his long going battle with his former employee, as he lost in a defamation lawsuit and was ordered to pay her $1.1 million, according to Bossip. A jury, ruled the New Jersey rapper was guilty of defaming the reputation of his ex employee by airing her out to the press and failing to pay her thousands of dollars for her employment.
The news site obtained court papers, in which the rappers ex tour staffer Shawna Morgan stated that she was employed by Fetty Wap and his company "Fetty Wap Touring," which included an agreement that Fetty would pay her between five and ten percent of his performance profits. She mentioned, that for tour related expenses she would often have to use her own money, but she would usually be reimbursed by Fetty. However, Morgan claimed by early 2017, the rappers payments became delayed then eventually ended, totaling in a balance of more than $242,703.
Although that was the primary reason for Morgan to file the lawsuit, to make matters worse, she stated that Fetty made several public claims against her. Fetty Wap allegedly accused her of stealing from him, and charging his company as well as clients resulting in her losing potential business opportunities and ruining her reputation as a whole.
Last month, a jury sided with Shawna Morgan in her lawsuit against the Paterson rapper and his company Goodfella4life Entertainment, for breach of contract and defamation. A judge ruled in her favor by default because Fetty Wap did not respond initially to the legal filing. The rapper managed to get the case reinstated, and still lost in the end and was ruled to pay Morgan $160,000. Fetty asked for the case to head back to trial, but was found guilty and ordered to pay Morgan $1,167,065 - $980,000 for defaming her, $66,294 for breach of contract, and $120,771 in interest.
Despite the money judgement, Fetty Wap has been ordered to retract his public statements against Morgan through social media and take out ad space in "prominent entertainment publications" to reject his claims and restore Morgans reputation.
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