The Netflix Show People Are Watching At Work: 'Love Is Blind'

The #1 trending show in America on all of Netflix is: 'Love Is Blind' and folks can't stop watching it, not even at work 😂

On the show hosts Nick and Vanessa Lachey bring together single people looking to meet the person they want to spend the rest of their lives with... without ever seeing them.

They’ll go on dates with a catch: they don’t meet face-to-face. With no distractions from the outside world, the singles talk to potential love interests and when a meaningful connection is made, they propose before laying their eyes on their fiancé for the first time. Engaged and back in the real world, as the couples plan their wedding day, they will quickly discover whether they can turn their emotional connection into a physical one before the fast-approaching ceremony.

The show starts off cool and chill but quickly turns into a train wreck!

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