Top Baby Names Of 2019 + Name Of The Decade

Babies Receive Swimming Care At A Hospital

What were the most popular baby names of 2019?

Here’s a list of the top 10 for girls and boys and the one name that dominated the whole entire decade, according to BabyCenter.

Top Baby Names of 2019 For Girls:

  1. Sophia
  2. Olivia
  3. Emma
  4. Ava
  5. Aria
  6. Isabella
  7. Amelia
  8. Mia
  9. Riley
  10. Aaliyah

Top Baby Names of 2019 For Boys:

  1. Liam
  2. Jackson
  3. Noah
  4. Aiden
  5. Grayson
  6. Caden
  7. Lucas
  8. Elijah
  9. Oliver
  10. Muhammad


Name which dominated the entire decade: Sophia!

Photo: Getty

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