You Can Now Face Jail Time For Posting Revenge Porn In New York


As of last night New York is now the latest state to join the criminalization of posting 'revenge porn" online. Governor Cuomo yesterday made it officially signing the bill which would require those who post the intimate videos to face jail time of up to one year and fines.

The law also allows judges to mandate that people sharing sexual images or videos without the subject's consent remove them, or that websites and social media platforms step in to take them down.

Speaking on signing the bill into law Cuomo had to say this, "Our laws have not kept pace with technology and how abusers can use it to harass, intimidate and humiliate intimate partners, by criminalizing the publication of revenge porn, we are empowering victims of this heinous act to take action against their abusers and showing them a path to justice,".

The law is defined by New York state as follows.

“the criminal act of unlawful dissemination or publication of an intimate image when done with the intent to cause harm to the emotional, financial, or physical welfare of another person and when the image was taken with a reasonable expectation that the image would remain private.”

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