The boys from uptown pulled up to On The Radar this week! Burnsev comprised of Official Drama, Sheavy Langz, & Ol Smith are the latest Hip-Hop group coming out the BX/Uptown Manhattan and have been making major noise in the city with their new record "Gotta Go" as well as opening up forA Boogie!
All deriving from NYC Drama/OL come from The Bronx while Sheavy Langz is from uptown Manhattan, speaking about how things are changing in the city the boys talk about how gentrification is causing much of the city to loose it's culture. With business and clubs closing left & right not only are people loosing their day to day jobs, but in terms of music artists like Burnsev are being limited to places where they can go and try to break records.
Check out Burnsev's full Interview below...