R. Kelly Accused Of 'Training' A 14-Year-Old Girl To Be His 'Sex Pet'

After years of being accused of sexual misconduct with minors, R. Kelly's ex-girlfriend is now coming forward to claim that the singer "trained" a 14-year-old girl to be his sexual "pet." 

Kitti Jones, 34, speaks about this in a new BBC documentary called "R Kelly: Sex, Girls and Videotapes." She and Kelly used to be in a two-year relationship, which started in 2011. Jones said during this time, he "groomed" her and forced her to have sexual intercourse more than 10 times. When Kelly introduced Jones to the now-woman, the singer said that she was being "trained" since she was 14. "This is my f****** pet, I trained her. She's going to teach you how to be with me," Kelly said.

Jones said about the encounter: "I saw that she was dressed like me, that she was saying the things I'd say and her mannerisms were like mine. That's when it clicked in my head that he had been grooming me to become one of his pets. He calls them his pets."

This new story is consistent with the one Jones said during her interview with Buzzfeed News last year. In that sit-down, she and a few former employees of Kelly's accused him of having a "sex cult" and training girls and women to be his "pets," as well. Moreover in 2008, Kelly was found not guilty of child pornography after he was accused of filming sexual encounters with another 14-year-old girl. He's also settled a number of similar cases, during his career. 

Photo: Getty Images

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