Plot twist! Remy Ma's sister Remeesha Alesia Blount was arrested earlier this week for multiple charges after she was accused of shooting a woman and then hitting her with a car. But, it turns out that, that's not the case.
The shooting victim revealed on Facebook that Blount wasn't the person who fired gunshots at her nor ran her over with a vehicle. As she was speaking about the rapper's sister's arrest, Dericka Godley said: "No that's a lie. She did not do this s**t to me and me... girl down town like she hit me with a car [and] shot at me. See how streets talk.. smh I pray to God she get out..." Take a look at the post below.
Godley also said that she is doing OK, considering everything that's happened in the past week. Once again on social media, she admitted, "Thank you Lord thank you Jesus. I'm feeling fantastic..." Godley then spoke about Remy's sister being unnecessarily locked up.
Check that post out below. Hopefully Blount will soon be released. We're sure Remy is happy to know that her sister is innocent in this messy situation, after all. But, she most likely already knew.
Photo: Getty Images