The Blacc Zacc, Lil Eli & Fatt Loc Interview

Today on On The Radar South Carolina was in the building HEAVY! Joining us today we had Blacc Zacc, Lil Eli & Fatt Locc fresh off the release of their joint “Walk Down Gang” album!

Earlier this year it was announced that Blacc Zacc would be starting his own label and would be bringing along rising South Carolina artists Fatt Loc & Lil Eli with him. Shortly after the joint tape to kick off the label was released showing off the best of what all the artists under the label have to offer.

The project which was comprised of 11 tracks was revealed by Zacc to have been heavily record right here in NYC. Explaining that the three locked in here back in early 2021 to record because of the energy that the city brings and also they felt that they could focus more on the music while up here.

“The majority of the project was made in NY, it was probably from the top of 2021, or even late last year, I love New York. We can focus more on music up here, up here when we were coming it was cold, you ain't mind being locked in the room for 8 hours recording, unlike Miami and LA where you don’t want to be in the studio all day”

As for his new label venture Blacc Zacc explained that with DME he wanted to be in control of his own situation as well as giving his artists the freedoms that a major label may not give them. Coming from the independent background himself he expressed how you always have to keep that drive and stay hungry no matter what.

“ I just wanted to be in control of my situation and not be a frustrated artist like a lot of artists just really be frustrated like the label ain't doing this and the label ain't doing that. I really came from an independent background like handing out CDs by hand. So it like I always keep that in mind, you got to keep that independent drive like you gotta stay hungry you can't blame it on nobody because you gotta make these people believe and make them believe in you”

Full Interview above and listen to Blacc Zacc, Fatt Locc & Lil Eli on iHeartRadio below..

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