Mario On New Project "Closer To Mars", Legacy Of "Let Me Love You", + More

Ahead of the release of his upcoming project "Closer To Mars", Mario called into talk about the project, why no one is competing with him vocally and celebrating the 16 year anniversary of "Let Me Love You"!

"When you ask me what this EP represents it represents my hunger for still doing music that I love but also music that can work in the market place, I think other things also represent that like the book i'm writing and workshops i'm doing"!

With the 16 year anniversary of "Let Me Love You" coming up this year Mario spoke about how the song broke barriers in R&B:

"its one of those records when the stars align, its one of those star aligning moments in music history, R&B was in a weird space at the time, we were trying to figure out where it fits within the mainstream where does it fit within the culture and I think that record bridges the gap."

Check out the full Interview above and listen to Mario on iHeartRadio below...

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