Kateel On His "Mind Over Matters" EP, Quarantine Film + More!

Seattle rapper Kateel recently dropped his debut project Mind Over Matters EP which serves as an introduction to the rapper while also being a project all about manifestation and creating your path to success. Off the intro “Mindset” alone Kateel distances his music from the other music being created right now, establishing himself as an artist, not just another rapper. 

"So with Mind Over Matters, there are different layers and concepts like I tackled with it. It's about mentality and using your mind to get through whatever situations you have to get through. I wanted to also talk about manifestation and not always talk about what's happening in life but what I want to make happen and where I want to take things” he goes on “going into the project I wanted people to realize this is something different and if you going to listen to my music Im not trying to be somebody else”.

A true and true artist through Kateel not only makes his music but directs, writes treatments, and designs his cover art. Sharing with us that for the future while he does want to be more well known, he hopes to get out there and create some major change in the world as it's much needed right now

"I feel like now is a time where I want to become more known because I have things to offer, I just want people to get to know me more and contribute to what's going on, and by contribute I mean what people are doing and organizing to make change” 

Check out the full interview above and listen to Kateel on iHeartRadio below… 

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