Keedron Bryant Went Viral, Gave Us Hope, Signed A Deal...In Just Weeks

On Wednesday afternoon I got to host an iHeart Radio Facebook Live Q&A with a very amazing, talented and gifted young man: Keedron Bryant.

He is young gospel singer who recently went viral after his Instagram video performance of 'I Just Wanna Live' prompted by the murder of George Floyd, touched the hearts of many Americans including President Barack Obama. Keedron who is only 12-years-old shared with us how he discovered his gift, future plans to serve GOD and how his life has changed since going viral just a couple of weeks ago.

Keedron also spoke to us about signing a major record deal with Warner Records, wether he's open to being a young preacher/leader and how he felt when President Obama shared his video on his Instagram and Facebook pages when reacting to the death of Mr. Floyd.

We were also blessed with an acapella performance of Keedron's smash single. Check out the full experience below.

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