How Long Will Coronavirus Last In The U.S.

President Donald Trump addressed the question of the hour during a news conference on Thursday: how long will it take for things to go back to normal? “People are talking about July, August,” he said.

According to The NY Times, if we are relying on social or physical distancing to slow down infection, the prevailing optimistic guess among experts on when the virus will abate is about two months: much earlier than President Trump’s prediction. “I’d say the beginning of May we’re going to feel like we’re coming out of this,” said Morgan Katz, an assistant professor of infectious disease at Johns Hopkins University School of Medicine. “That’s my hope.”

To make loose predictions on how long this outbreak and societal disruption might last in the United States, Dr. Morgan and many other experts are looking at data from China: the first cases were recorded in December, reports of a strange new virus started spreading up in early January. By late January, much of the country was in lockdown. Throughout February, there was an all-out war against the virus with all schools closed and stores closed + everyone basically stayed inside. Now March, things are slowly returning back to normal.

Although life on lockdown has been crazy disruptive, experts say that it this the only way to prevent mass death and infection.

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