New to Running?-Here's How to Start

Running is a great way to improve your cardio, get fit and feel better about yourself.

Beginning running does not have to be hard-you just have to know where to get started. With some comfortable running shoes, and a little motivation, you can learn to work at your own pace and hit the ground running!

Here are some quick tips to help you get started, motivated, and committed.

Ready, Set, Run!

Training Tips

Get ready to crush your goal and find confidence.

First things first, Register for a Race

The best wat to start training is to have a goal already set. It’s all about mindset. If you have something to work towards, you'll find that your more motivated and accountable to the process. And remember, running is a process. Slow and steady wins the race!

Proper Form is Key

The good news is there is really no wrong way to run. Whether you’re a heel-striker and lead with your toes, as long as you keep with your natural stride you are less likely to get injured. The more you run the better, as your body will become pre-conditioned to its own running pattern and more efficient.

Is It Ok to Run-Walk

This is actually a great way for new runners to get started and for avid runners to improve their race time. Remember it’s your race and the only competition is you. Taking breaks actually reduces the chances for injury. So, listen to your body.

Pick a Training Plan

There are tons of plans out there. Here is a simple plan for you to follow.

Train three days a week

Run or run/walk 20 to 30 minutes, two days a week

Take a longer run or run/walk (40 minutes to an hour) on the weekend

Rest or cross-train on your off days

Run at a conversational pace

Consider taking regular walk-breaks

Typically a 5K is a good place to start, it’s more fun and relaxed. Training time for a 5K is about 7 weeks. The goal here would be to run 30 minutes per day, with longer runs on Sundays.

The key is to find a plan that works best for you and stick with it! "Runner's High" is a real thing, and once you experience it, running will become second nature. Happy Running! -Coach Kenya

@coachkenya is a certified fitness coach through the National Academy of Sports Medicine and has run several marathons. Through exercise she has lost over 65lbs and teaches cycling, Interval Training, and her own mindfulness and exercise format called E.A.S.E. (Energizing, Active, Strength, Exercise).

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