The Man From Viral Dreadlock Cutting Photo, Speaks On Controversy

Kobe Richardson who went viral recently after a picture appeared on twitter showing a white woman cutting his braids off. While many people on twitter jumped at the chance to rip the woman apart calling her a Trump supporter amongst other names online.

Well Kobe stopped by The Angie Martinez show today to clear things up about the program he and the woman are apart of and how everyone online has it totally wrong. The two are part of an organization that helps take kids off the street and put them in a productive environment where they learn how to box amongst other things. However, Kobe wanted to make it very clear that the woman who goes by Sally is not in any way a racist and she is one of the most kind people he has ever met, saying “they’re still painting a bad picture of her, she’s a nice woman, there would be times I wouldn’t have food at home and I could call her up and she’d bring me food”.

Going on to explain why he wanted to cut off his dreads, Richardson said that he wanted to make change and he just happened to start with him cutting off his hair.

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