News of a sequel to the 1996 film Space Jam surfaced months ago, and ever since we have been anticipating the new movie. The movie is being produced by Ryan Coogler and LeBron James, who will also be starring in the movie. The film is being directed by Terence Nance, and is set to begin filming during the NBA offseason.
Much like the original version which starred multiple basketball stars, this movie is racking up on the players from both the NBA and the WNBA. James has been securing multiple league players including WNBA stars Diana Taurasi, sisters Chiney and Nneka Ogwumike, Anthony Davis (Lakers), Klay Thompson (GSW), Chris Paul (Rockets), and Damian Lillard (Trailblazers). There are definitely more players to be announced to be included in the movie. James will have no trouble securing players to be involved in this project!
This film is set to hit theaters on July 16, 2021.