Most New Yorker Excuses To Give Your Boss On Leave The Office Early Day!

June 3rd is officially Leave The Office Early Day, in celebration of the day we have compiled a list of the best excuses to give your boss to get out of work early!

  1. There is flood in my house
    1. living in NYC you already know that anything can happen so who's going to tell you that your house isn't flooded?
  2. Roomate/Significant Other Locked out The House
    1. We've all been there before, someone always loosing their key and needing that door opened for them.
  3. That Time of The Month Issues
    1. No questions will be asked with this one.
  4. Food Poisoning
    1. Sometimes that local sushi spot just doesn't sit right with you.
  5. You Gotta Take Grandma to the doctors
    1. Make sure you say it's your grandmother for dramatic effect.
  6. I left my oven/iron on
    1. What is your boss going to say, let the house burn down?
  7. My baby sitter has to leave early
    1. Parents this one was made just for you.
  8. My Car Got Towed
    1. Sometimes we forget to move our cars for alternate side of the street parking.
  9. Landlord Needs Access to The Apartment
    1. Maybe there is a repair man that needs to fix the sink in your apartment.
  10. The Fed are at the Crib
    1. We hope this is never a reality but if all else fails use this one.

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