The Bronx Has Been Named The Unhealthiest County For Seventh Year In a Row

Oh man they doing the BX dirty with this one!

This is the seventh year in a row that the Bronx has come in 62 place across all counties in New York in terms of how healthy they are to live in. With the borough sitting in last place for quality of life, poor physical health, mental health, smoking, obesity, and physical inactivity.

While all this sounds bad for the borough there is some upside to the story, for one it is no where close to the bottom of the list when it comes to counties in America.

As for the other boroughs in New York City Brooklyn, was ranked 52nd, Staten Island is higher at 26th, Queens and Manhattan didn't fare as well both moving lower on the list with Queens going from 12th to 17th and Manhattan moving from 8th to 11th.

If you were wondering what the healthiest county in NYC is Saratoga New Yorker is your answer.

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