Being alone may seem devastating on V-Day but here are some fun things you can do to still have fun on the love day:
Laughter boosts your mood, reduces stress, and makes you feel better. On Valentine’s day have your own funny movie marathon, enjoy some stand-up comedy and laugh to your favorite movie! Cuddle up on the couch with a cozy blanket to laugh it up maybe with your single best friend. Treat yourself to a snack & relax.
Have a Singles Party!
Get together with some of your single friends and have a get together! Ask them to bring food, wine, a fun game and laugh the night away.
Treat yourself!
I know the idea of taking yourself on a date might sounds lame. But loving yourself first is the first way to finding true love.So go treat yourself to a massage; treat yourself to a make-over that will increases your confidence; going to a restaurant or movie alone will help you become more comfortable by yourself; and shopping is always a great idea!
It can suck to be single on Valentine’s Day, but only if you allow it to be.
You deserve to be happy, with or without a partner, so do everything in your power to make this holiday a positive occasion. If you have more fun ideas for things to do if you’re single on Valentine’s Day, please share them in the comments.
Images: Getty