Ladun Thompson Matches DJ Envy's Contribution To #Change4Change

Our Change 4 Change Radiothon is officially underway and so far we have seen insanely generous donations. This year we are donating to Project 375. Founded in 2012 by NFL wide-receiver Brandon Marshall and his wife Michi, Project 375 is a national non-profit dedicated to the needs of adolescents by providing parents, teachers and staff members with Youth Mental Health First Aid Training all across the country.

In the studio we had Ladun Thompson stop by, the business partner of DJ Envy's company: Covered by God My God V.S. My Enemies. As Charlamagne rattled off the donations of other companies that have called in, Ladun decided what their company would give. "We can do 10% of Fashion Nova," he says. $2.5K later and we have a donation from the clothing company. Thank you! 

Click here to donate to this amazing cause and participate in our #Change4Change Radiothon!  

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