Entering college can be the best experience of your life if you allow it to be. I realize now as a college graduate that life is all about evolving and along with that is reinventing yourself. Below are a few tips I wanted to share in order for students to maximize their college experience:
- Get Comfortable - before anything else you have to adjust yourself to your new environment. College will give you a lot of free time that you may not be use to and it is important that you fill the void of your discomforts that way you can comfotably be yourself.
- Get Involved - The most valuable thing you can do is to join a club, participate in campus activities, or even sign up for recreational activities. When you get involved with things that interest you you will also meet others who have similar interest who will most likely grow with you.
- Stay Single - you have four whole years with your peers, they aren't going anywhere so take your time to date and explore your options. You never know who you might connect with because you are still trying to figure out yourself.
- Eat Healthy - The Freshman 15 theory can be a very real thing if you allow it to be! Don't get crazy with your meal pass! Try your best to feed your body what it needs, it will really help with your overall performance.
- Pick your Classes Wisely - If you are not a morning person, don't take morning classes if you don't have to. Also make sure you look up your teachers on RateMyProfessor.com that way you know what type of teacher your dealing with and all of their expectations.
- Network - Talk to people, talk to as many people that you possibly can and soak up as much knowledge as possible. You can learn a lot from people. In college you'll be introduced to different cultures, customs, and perspectives, and those people that you go to class with your peers will all be entering the working world and could possibly help you.
- Branding - You are your brand! Even if you are not exactly sure what you want to do it is important that you always represent yourself in the best possible light. Start NOW! Dress presentable, be friendly, and stay true to your words.
- Maintain your GPA - a lot of students are paying for their school through scholarships and grants that require you to stay above a certain GPA. I have seen students lose their school funding and forced to drop out because they could not keep up with their school work, so it is important that you balance your personal life, your school work, and your social life. Remember college is like training wheels to the real world so you might as well prepare yourself now.