This May Be The Best Cover of 2019!

For the past few days, it has been clear that covers, remixes, and flow jackings are just some things that come with the territory of being a well known artist. Since Soulja Boy's recent interview with The Breakfast Club social media has been like Drake's Miss Me metaphor: "I catch 'em stealin' flows 'cause I swear I never loaned it"... if that is actually his. It wasn't until today though, that I came across the best flow jack of all time! 

Twitter, the GOAT of the funniest comments and captions, did not fail me today. As I was scrolling down my timeline I happened to see Jesse McCartney, (yes I follow Jesse McCartney), comment on what seemed to be a trap music video. I didn't know Jesse was into trap like the rest of us here; so I had to see just what artist stole this beautiful soul. 

But I won't spoil it, I'll let you see for yourself! 

Jesse Tweeted: 

I honestly think this may be the best cover of 2019, something will have to be really dope to top this. Let me know what you guys think about the video! 

Photos @ GettyImages. 

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